I would like to tell a story today. One day, there was a man in a Georgia town. He lived a good life and held honest values. This man voted for John Kerry, because he thought he could change the world that Bush was destroying. When Kerry lost, so did he. He then drove up to New York City. He scaled the wall at the WTC site, and shot himself dead. That is the story of an untold marytr. A story that was almost never heard or read. Bun in a single second, Andrew Veal did what all Bush haters tho...
I'm going to say it loud and clear, so all you non-voters can hear me. IF YOU DIDN'T VOTE, YOU DON'T MOVE OR BREATHE UNTIL YOU DO . Anyone who didn't vote should be ashamed. You most likely just pushed in George Bush, who will draft you, draft your kids, or burn you on healthcare and/or wellfare. The NCLB Act will destroy your childs future, if that's what stage ofyour life you're in right now. Either way, you will suffer under Bush. And I will sit there and laugh and laugh and laugh, becaus...